AgBot (Old Revbot) - Silkroad Bot

. Dec 8, 2009
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Important!: If you have any information that fits in this post, send it to me or post it in here and if it's usefull i'll add it.. credits to you!

Yes this bot has loop! But it is still buggy! Loop is that it will buy pots, repair etc. and then goes back to hunting area

The recommended version (newest version with the less bugs) of agBot is 3.1.20 in combination with nuConnector 9.12

WARNING: There are a Couple of agBot versions with Keylogger included out there..
so be SURE to download it from THIS page or the rev6-website, and nowhere else! Thanks.
Current Version of agBot:

Package: 3.1.20
Download: Here

AgBot: 3.1.20
Download: Here

How to make the loop work:
Don't post: Can anyone make a guide?! It's on the official bot website! This will soon be translated to your own language! Please let the translators do their job!

For people who use AVG AntiVirus. This free tool is blocking agBot, so if you want to use it. Please turn off your AntiVirus and don't download something, don't visit internet sites, only play the game in the time that your AntiVirus is off!

Howto fix invalid target:
Thanks to zangetsu123

I used to get ALOT of invalid targets while picking up items.. Bot stops for a long time and didn't pick up items that dropped like gold/alchemy items etc etc ..
So the solution is as following;
Raise process priority of agbot above normal (It wont hurt your other programs when you raise process priority of agbot) once you did that.. all invalid target and other problems like picking up stuff will be removed..
Atleast its working for me ..
agBot is working for me like Tbot or any other bot without any bugs etc

Vista Problems (and sometimes WinXP):

Missing .ocx Files
Some people are getting error 339 (Missing .ocx file).
This are most of the time two files, first VbEclipse.ocx and after that comctl32.ocx and comdlg32.ocx. What to do with this error:

You need to have the three files: Click

Put the three files in your system32 map (C:\Windows\System32\). Stay in the system32 map and search for cmd. RightClick on it and run it as an admin. The command prompt will open. Type: "regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\VbEclipse.ocx" without "" and press enter. It'll say the file is registered.

Another line to fill in: "regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\comctl32.ocx" without the "" and press enter again.

And the last file to register: type: "regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\comdlg32.ocx" without the "" and press enter for - finally - the last time

If you work with XP, try installing the library files. On the bottom of this thread you can find a link!!!
This has to do with the Admin stuff. Solution:
First if you have patched with MediaPatcher, unpatch it.

After that, go to your silkroad folder (Standard: C:\Program Files\Silkroad) and select agBot.exe, nuConnector.exe and MediaPatcher.exe. One by one please . Right click on the file you selected and click properties, then select it to run as an administrator.
Patch the game and now it should have fixed the problem. But don't forget to run the bot and nuConnector as an admin!!!


Webpage of Bot:The 6th revolution - Main
Wiki-page of Bot:Main Page - AgBot Rev6
Loader: ePvP Loader Thread
NoDC: GreYFoX' NoDC Client thread
Issues: With a agBot script! + Fixes!: Here
AgBot tutorial by Mass Mods: Here <---old but tells you the basics of setting the bot up

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