MrFishIt - Wow Fish Bot

. Dec 8, 2009
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Fish Bot - MrFishIt

Official Site:

Currently working with 3.2.2 10505

1.Download and extract the files to a folder

2.Make sure you have the latest .Net Framework including service packs

1.Start wow as Administrator
2.Start MrFishIt as Administrator
2.Log into your World of Warcraft account
3.Go to you favorite fishing spot
4.Setup the options as you wish select lure options for stopping etc...
5.Press start it's the big grey button in the top left corner

How It Works
It Read/Writes from/to wow to get Object's and to Interact with them (no ****ing color recognition )
It check's if your dead alive etc. Works on Vista x64/Xp/Windows7

Shynd for his blog
MaiN for doing all the lua

Seifer for writing the ToS
And everybody else in the memory editing section

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