Ban Reasons for scamming - Wow

. Dec 8, 2009
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1. First of all you shouldn't use names like "Auction House or Ware House". Thats a
ban reason an Blizzard will ban you because you say indirectly that you're another person.

2. Dont change the Item in the Tradewindow. You can get warned or banned !

3. Don't say or write into a letter that you're a Gold or Item selling Corp. ! They will ban you because Blizzard says that its not allowed to sell items or Gold

And also dont say "The Motherf*cking GMs won't do something" because they check your Log Files for things like that after a Player has reported you. So just keep cool like somebody who dont know what happened

Also Pay attantion for Guilds. For Example, a Guild Leader is named Natari, you shouldn't make a scam Char named Natarí, thats also a ban reason (Point 1).

Actually for this things you should pay attantion. Its your own safety.

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