CATBot v1.0.0.3 Beta

. Dec 8, 2009
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CATBot released

CATBot v1.0.0.3 Beta



CATBot is multi client full minimizable bot for ArchLord. At moment the bot
is still in a very early beta state and some functions/feature still bugged
or doesnt work properly.

Since the bot can't find out the real target hp it use the exp to find out
killed targets. The 1 exp party is fixed but if you are in a party with
shared exp the bot goes crazy.

Archlord must be configurate in window mode 1024x768. I will add an replace
of the Archlord configuration soon.

The bot doesnt sell stuff or go repair. That means you can leave him alone
for just some hours. I try to add such functions later depending on if can
find the pointers or find out about the encryption of the packets.

Lets see in the future



- Supports using multi client (several running bots on the same time)
- All clients working full minimized and independent from each other
- Attacksystem supports single kills (aoe attacks coming soon)
- Each bot (client) has its own configuration file
- The framework keeps care and restart crashed clients


Features In Progress:

- [P1] More then one targets (AOE)
- [P2] Add camera position management
- [P2] Configurate archlord client automatically
- [P2] Fixing client specific gui
- [P4] Inventory Management (delete specific items)


Known Issues/Bugs:

- Bot doesnt work proper with party setting "shared exp"
- For better performance you should switch to sky cam after start



- CosmosTunes Created the bot & framework
- Normal111 For some ideas and memory pointers



17.10.2008 - Version Beta
- Added engine.dll for later
- Fixed x86 registry bug
- Added new mfc90u.dll

06.10.2008 - Version Beta
- Fixed registry entry for dll

06.10.2008 - Version Beta
- Init release

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