Pocket Gnome - Wow Bot

. Dec 8, 2009
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Official Site: http://www.savorydeviate.com/pocketgnome/

 What is Pocket Gnome?

Pocket Gnome is a "bot" for World of Warcraft. Its goal is to make it easier to automate repetitive activities within the game; activities like moving around, killing monsters, looting, mining/herbing, skinning, and generally wasting your life waiting for your mana bar to refill. Pocket Gnome designed to do all of these things for you.

pocketgnome requires Tiger or later

Mac OS X 10.5+ Required

Mac OS 10.5 (Leopard) or later is required to run Pocket Gnome. Pocket Gnome is currently Intel-only.

Sincere apologies to the Tiger users in the crowd, but there are no plans to make a 10.4 compatible version of Pocket Gnome due primarily to technical limitations and the second law of thermodynamics.

Is Pocket Gnome a violation of the WoW Terms of Service (ToS)?

Yes. Pocket Gnome is absolutely against the ToS. There aren't enough superlatives in the English language to fully convey how against the rules this is. If you get caught, you will probably be banned.

So be smart and don't get caught.

Is Pocket Gnome free?

Yes. Enjoy.

Sweet. Where do I download it?

Right here. However, please read about the features of the program, as well as visit our forums if you are a first time user. Pocket Gnome may appear rather daunting initially, but spending a few minutes reading about how it works and the answers to some common questions will greatly improve your chances of getting up and running quickly.

Why does it ask me for my admin password?

Pocket Gnome requires administrator access to run, so you'll need to have the user/pass for an admin on your system. There is no way around this. In order to access the memory of another process, you've got to authenticate -- it's how the Mac's kernel was designed.

Simple Tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JCxbiOFxXc

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