WoWUnlimit Hack [Retail 3.0.3]

. Dec 8, 2009
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CURRENT VERSION: 2.2 -- UPDATED 12-22-2008

Hi there everyone, I'm glad to release the first retail working version of my hack! Read the readme file before to use if you don't want to get banned or disconected. If you use it correctly you should not get banned unless you get reported. Have fun!
You NEED to have WotLK instaled for it to work as it uses the new WotLK address.
Sorry, no video for the moment, I will post it when I finish it.

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Scan: (don't forget that it modifies wow prossess, there's NO trojan in this)

Readme(read it completly to not get banned):

Jump commands:
F1: LandJump - You land in the air
F2: Land/SlowFall - Read down how to use it as slowfall
F4: BugJump - You land higher than normal
F5: FloorJump - You appear on the floor instantly
NumPad0: MultiJump - You jump and stand in the air
NumPad1: AutoMultiJump - You MultiJump automaticly [Toggled]
NumPadDot: MultiJump2 - This is the second way to do MultiJump
NumPad3: AutoMultiJump2 - Like AutoMultiJump but for MultiJump2 [Toggled]

PassThrough commands:
F9: NoClip - You can go through anything [Toggled]
F6: M2Collision - You can go through any object [Toggled]

Teleport commands:
NumPad8: NorthTeleport - You teleport slowly to north
NumPad2: SouthTeleport - You teleport slowly to south
NumPad4: WestTeleport - You teleport slowly to west
NumPad6: EastTeleport - You teleport slowly to east
NumPad5: DownTeleport - You teleport slowly to the ground

Other commands:
F3:TurnBack - You turn back instantly
F7:Increase Scale - You are bigger
F8: Decrease Scale - You are smaller
F11:Reload - This command reloads the hack

*Some tips to use and not get banned:
* LandJump is suposed to be used while falling, if you use it while going up, it will tp
you to the ground.
* Land/SlowFall is the new way I found to do jump land, if you use it while falling and
going forward(or backward), it will make you slowfall(don't spam it).
* MultiJump2 is the new way to do multi jumps, didn't removed the old one because they both
have their own advantages and disadvantages. With this one you can't cast/emote.
* AutoMultiJump is toggled and you need to press it back to stop it.
* NoClip is also making you pass through floor
* The teleport commands are going to disconect you if you dont move while doing them. Like
in the video, walk or run when using them.
* Use reload when you change of map or when you relog (restart the hack if the game closes)
* When your character is stuck in the air, try re opening the game.
******************************************************************************** ***********
I made a video with someone showing few features. Not the main video, gonna make a better one soon.

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