Eudemon Bot

. Dec 8, 2009
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Download Link for patch 1070

Download link for CT file is below.

** If you successfully crack ScriptVessel and want to using it work as CO2 business (Smooth and Safe) . I suggest you support 9net9 who is creator of SV. **

Please follow this guide.

Load Cheat Engine V5.3 program from here

1. Open Cheat Engine and AgentKing then click on left upper icon for select Agentking process.
2. At Cheat Engine Press Ctrl + O and open Eudemon_1060.CT (include in compressed file).
3. Click on Eudemons 1060
4. Go to Bot program input any random char user/pass and click Start. Your program will freeze.
? ? ? Go to game and test by press F11.
5. And,If you wanna exit program just uncheck on Cheatengine and close all program
For about people can't use XP skill auto. When XP enable press F4 then left click on which XP skill that you wanna use. It's will automatic use that XP later

Please feed back after using macro.
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Translation guide

Enter * on the number key or F11 key for start or stops the bot.

Main function for this bot: Prompts BOSS or stone, has practiced many with this generation is the baby grain, imaginary beastly egg and item on ground and soaked black guy. Unattend for practice the level. May leave machine hit the experience ball to trade evil spirit

Records path function: After selects menu and start, when press? F5 to start record, moves to your route then pressed F5 again to completes record and wait bot walk automatic!

Records XP: After skill XP comes out, put the mouse in the skill icon sign and press F4.

Significant concern: It?s message box appear at program and don?t close bot program while you running bot

How to start program bot:

Step 1, double-clicks the AgentKing.exe icon, inputs the user and password, then press "Start"? button, after information platform prompt "clicks on the game * on number or F11! That? Confirms successfully, returns to game;

Step 2, clicks in the game playing window;

Step 3, presses the F11 key or * the number key establishment:

Function choice:

A) Run Log (Not implement yet)

B) Prompt for red/black name or good items: This will prompt when see strange name or NPC. It?s using for finding BOSS and will prompt when finding ston also.

C) Auto practices the level:
First off, Records XP co-ordinate for choose XP: The XP Icon appear on game just move mouse in the icon but? do not click, then presses the F4 key.

Next, Select the function: In game choice only can select ?Bot? , ?Prompt for Item?. Run log function still not work.? After select Bot button you must record route for bot walk or just auto walk in within area you choose. Default area is 30.

Third, Attack: It is choice to select what left key or the right key to clicks on the monster just choose "Left" , "Right"? or "only XP attack". "only XP attack" is only has after XP comes then can attack, usually using on high level monster.

Fourth, KS and Not KS choice: "No KS" refers in the screen only kill when no person or NPC in screen. "KS" is kill monster whenever see some body on screen or not.

Fifth, Pick Item: You can select to pick default , pick All or not pick. If you do not want to pick the item, you must describe any item on the below input.

Sixth, Bot route: Normally it select "Default" the character will walk within area 30 that can change size of area to any as you want. Records path is use when press "F5" then move character route path then press "F5" to finished record.

Seventh, Monster choice: Normally all monster can attack. Only some monster that can?t hit directly change monster to fly it?s will attack above monster (amount 1 centmeter).

Eighth, Trades the experience ball: Puts the experience ball on the quick key 3, then own establish the long time to trade an experience ball then. Tacitly approves is 30 minutes;

Ninth, presses "Start" to start bot.

Short guide for using bot,

1) Function : BOT or Prompt for manual or Run Log
- Select BOT,If you wanna bot.
- Select Prompt for manualis for manual play.
- Select Run wood isn't enable(may be development function or need try in offline training ground or market).
2) Atk Type : Left or Right or Only XP
This is choice for select what method you want to kill monster
- Select Left is using for warrior.
- Select Right using for magic attack.
- Select Only XP will attack with XP skill that you set.
3) Kill steal : No KS or KS
- Select No KS, You will go away if someone attack monster around you.
- Select KS, You will Kill when ever and where ever.
4) Pick Item : Default or All or No
- Select Default you will pick only special item.
- Select All you will pick all item.
- Select No for not pick.
5) Four Item box, I'm not sure what it's mean. I try insert Player name and/or Item for pick up. Need Test
6) Walk mode : Record or Area
- Select Area and enter value for radius from you start bot. Bot will go around not over radius that you enter.
- Select Record, After you start bot you must Press F5 for record path and press F5 again for finished route. Your bot will go on the way that you record.
7) Monster : Normal or Fly Type
- Select Normal for normal monster.
- Select Fly for some monster that fly and take closer enought to hit it.
8) Trade EXPBall : No Trade or Trade
Sorry for about this function. Anyone test and know it's function please share info. Push your exp ball at quick slot 3.
9) Use HP Pot :
Insert your low HP that bot will automatic using HP pot.
10) Use Item : Not use or Use Item
This will using HP and MP Pot when you put in quick slot 2,4,5
11) War mode : No or Enter war
I don't know what this function use. Please report if you know.
12) Log Auto
If you run multiple client. This box will insert configuration file that you wanna read/save.
13) Save Config or Read Config or Read Take button
- Select Save config for save your setting.
- Select Read config for read your setting.
- Select Read take. I'm not sure what this function meaning. Please test if you found any thing useful.

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