l2 client systems,moding + tools + GG disabling

. Dec 8, 2009
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Ok some tools and my modified system folders.Before you make any action,make a backup of your system folder.

Modified system folders :

Interlude : 2shared - download system.zip

Kamael/Hellbound : 2shared - download system.zip

Gracia part II : 2shared - download system.zip

Gracia Final : Gracia Final system

All should include colored system messages,level hack,chest hack,zoom hack,wallhack,titles mode and more ...

PM me if there are some problems or start a disscusion thread in the Disscusion section

Client editing tools :

LineAge Utils : LineAge Utils - Simple and powerfull app for editing the l2 system

You can modify :

-Colour chat
-Aggro mobs and put titles (Agro/no agro)
-Ghost camera
-Disable ban words
-Remobe center bottom view.
-Hide client window frame.

and more ...

C4 version : 2shared - download Setup_LineAge_Utils.exe

l2encdec : DStuff - l2encdec is a cmd software that is used to encrypt/decrypt l2 system files and modify them.Usefull when you want to make change that arent possible with LineAge Utils

Heiser's System editor : 2shared - download systemmsg_editor.zip - app for editing the systemmsg-e.dat file. You can edit the text and the color of the system messages shown by the l2 client.
Note : If a new chronicle past CT1 is released, you will need to replace l2dis/asm, l2encdec and systemmsg-e.ddf with chronicle supported versions for this to work.

L2 File Edit :

Gracia Final : 2shared - download File Edit Gracia Final.exe
Hellbound-Gracia : 2shared - download L2_FileEdit_Hellbound_-_Gracia.exe
Interlude-Kamael : 2shared - download L2-FileEdit_Interlude_Kamael.exe

Kamael interface for the interlude client : L2ct1_interface.zip
Fraps 2.9.8 : Fraps_298_Build_7777_Final

GG killers/emulators :

Fyyre's patches : Fyyre's Patches - gg killers and other usefull patches
Varacolaci GG patch - gracia part II : WolfHeart
GG emulator : 2shared - download GameGuard_Emulator.rar - im not really sure if it works ...
GG killers for interlude : 2shared - download GG_interlude.zip
GG killer interlude - G:Final : wildcard

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